
Showing posts from November, 2016

The question everybody make: How and Why Peru?

A question that always comes up whenever I meet someone new in Peru is: Why did you decide to come to Peru, especially Trujillo? How did you do it? First of all, we have to consider my professional trajectory and remember that it is not very easy to find a job at an international school if you are not a native speaker of the English Language(America, British, Australian, Canadian, etc).  But as my dream was to get to know the world in a different way I started looking for Jobs all around the world. I would go into the Cambridge website and look in the tab Find a Cambridge School  and I would look for schools that were needing Maths teacher with Experience in the IGCSE(mainly but not exclusively).  In this quest I received contact from 2 schools, one in Trujillo(Peru) and Cochabamba(Bolívia) and, for different reasons, among them the possibility of acquiring experience in the International Baccalaureate , I ended up deciding to come to Trujillo and he...
The previous name of the Blog was ´Eu ando pelo mundo` which means I walk throughout the world which is the portuguese translation fora part of the song  Esquadros from the Brazilian Singer Adriana Calcanhoto . And the name of the blog adress continues the song: Eu ando pelo mundo prestando atenção em cores - which means I walk throughout the world paying attention in colours. I completely adore this song and it was more or less how I felt first time I went abroad(to live). You can listen to it here? However, as I decided to change a little bit the language, focus and the direction of the blog I thought I should probably also think about changing the tittle of it, even though the link I won´t be able to do it. So I decided to take a look in the Travel Songs Playlist I have created before I came to Peru. (Writing as an idea for a post to organize this playlist here), This playlist has songs in Portuguese, English and Spanish.  And one of the songs I like a lot, ...

What countries do you know? (a way of living and learning)

Sometimes I hear this question from people and my answer is never saying the name of the countries I have visited. I always have to start explaining what ´knowing a country` means to me. I don´t feel comfortable saying that I know some country I have visited for a week, a couple of days or even some few hours. For me knowing a country means you understand different things such as: ·          The weather and geography of it; ·          You have at least an idea of the type of music they like to listen to and dance; ·          Tried many different types of typical food; ·          Learn about different habits; ·          You have learned how to cook at least a few of their typical food; ·          Awareness of how their religious and/or spir...

Language Transition and Real come back

As I explained in the previous post(in Portuguese) the objective of the blog(when I first created it) was to show first my family and friends what I was doing while in my exchange in Venezuela and also to show other people who could be interested in the country. My new objective is show the place where I am living(Peru) and also be able to Interact with other bloggers who might have a similar experience(International teaching), so I decided to change the language from Portuguese to English.  I meant to write with more frequency when I just moved. But too many things as usual and I didn´t give myself lots of time to do it, but now really coming back, so wait for many news around here.