
I know I promised to be back writing about living in Peru. 
Now that I left Peru and that I am going into a new adventure. I decided to really commit back to post in here. So as I post this I already wrote other 5 posts that I will programme to be published one per week. Of course the first will be already tomorrow.
I will be talking about Peru and lots of things, I will dedicate the months of January and February to write a lot about Peru, where I lived for 4 years in total.
This march I will start a new journey and from there I intend to finish writing about Peru and starting the new topics.
I am going to update lots of things in this blog, so it is possible for us to Interact better.
Hope to “hear from you” and if you want to “hear from me” just come around every week and check the new posts.
Peace out!


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