The question everybody make: How and Why Peru?

A question that always comes up whenever I meet someone new in Peru is:
Why did you decide to come to Peru, especially Trujillo? How did you do it?

First of all, we have to consider my professional trajectory and remember that it is not very easy to find a job at an international school if you are not a native speaker of the English Language(America, British, Australian, Canadian, etc). 

But as my dream was to get to know the world in a different way I started looking for Jobs all around the world. I would go into the Cambridge website and look in the tab Find a Cambridge School and I would look for schools that were needing Maths teacher with Experience in the IGCSE(mainly but not exclusively). 

In this quest I received contact from 2 schools, one in Trujillo(Peru) and Cochabamba(Bolívia) and, for different reasons, among them the possibility of acquiring experience in the International Baccalaureate, I ended up deciding to come to Trujillo and here I am for almost one year and a half. 


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